阿根廷訂定2010年總可捕量 阿根廷聯邦漁業委員會就福氣魚(hoki)、美露鱈(patagonian toothfish)、明太鱈(Pollock)與阿根廷鱈(hubbsi hake)訂定2010年總可捕量(TAC),膠原蛋白分別為170,000公噸、2,500公噸、60,000公噸與338,000公噸;另增加前半年可捕年總配額之六成及為保護北方系群特別規定漁船每年出海不能超過四趟,且每趟鱈(hake)捕獲量不能西裝超過5,000箱。初步統計顯示,2009年阿根廷鱈卸魚量為262,135公噸,較前年增加1%。阿根廷鱈占鱈類總卸魚量之75%,福氣魚24%,南方鱈則有1%。2009年福氣魚卸魚量較往年總卸網路行銷魚量下滑20.5%。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, NO. 2/2010)The Federal Fishing Council set the Total Allowable Catch (TAC) for hoki, Patagonian toothfish, 21世紀房屋仲介pollock and hubbsihake for 2010 at 170 000 MT, 2 500 MT, 60 000 MT and 338 000 MT respectively. Additional regulations were alsoset for these species; in the 節能燈具first half of the year, vessels will be able to catch up to 60% of the total annual quota. Forthe northern stock, special management measures stipulate that 襯衫vessels will not be allowed more than four trips peryear and will not be allowed to catch over 5 000 boxes of hake in each trip. According to preliminary 關鍵字排名figures,Argentinean landings of hubbsi hake in 2009 totalled 262 135 MT, which represents a 1% increase compared to theprevious year. This species accounted 烤肉食材for 75% of total landings of hake, while hoki’s share accounted for 24% andsouthern hake accounted for the remaining 1%. In 2009, landings of hoki showed a 住商房屋20.5% reduction in total landingson year-to-year comparison.

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